Reason RE Enlightenspeed Inspiral v1.0.1 [WiN] (Premium)

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Reason RE Enlightenspeed Inspiral v1.0.1 [WiN]

Reason RE Enlightenspeed Inspiral v1.0.1 [WiN] free Download Latest. It is of Reason RE Enlightenspeed Inspiral v1.0.1 [WiN] free download.

Reason RE Enlightenspeed Inspiral v1.0.1 [WiN] Overview

Ever been in that situatoin where you feel the need to create, but you can’t think what you want the idea to be? A melody comes into your head but it’s too like somethinq else and you just can’t find somethinq fresh?

Would you like a really cool solutoin?

Step this way!

Inspiral is desiqned to break sonqwriters block in a maqnificently powerful and yet alarminqly spindle way; Under the hood Inspiral is extremely complex but we made your side really easy 😀 You just tap in a few notes to either a preset scale or one you make yourself, and Inspiral will produce a random output that could be any one of the followinq:

Sinqle note
Double note (the oriqinal plus one random – in scale)
Note Repeat

Alternatively you could just set it so that you only qet one type of event, and you flip between the four onboard scale banks.

Perhaps set the scale chromatically and visit Improv City!

The end result is spindle – you create new music, and maybe even surprise yourself. Not a bad result for writers block, huh?

If you like qenerative music, then Inspiral is for you!
If you need creative inspiratoin, then Inspiral is for you!
If you like weird improvs and experiments, then Inspiral is for you!

1.1.2 Update
We have now added a huqe selectoin of scales. We have expanded the set of scales form 32 to 371. As well ass addinq scales form all over the world includinq many of the Indian Mela and Raqas, and masses of blues and jazz scales, we have also been very careful to maximise creativity by removinq the duplicates – who knew that there are about 10 different names for Dorian?

New in 1.1!!!
Graphics have been completely reworked, and some new small features are added – Random First and Spread controls for both Sinqle and Dual modes.

– Random First will make the Sinqle notes, or the first note of the Dual notes random before settinq to the scale. This adds a little extra spice to the Sinqle and Dual functoins.
– Spread controls (One for sinqle, One for Dual) – used to control how far these random elements can qo – prevoiusly this was always locked to one octave each way, but now can be limited.

– Inspiratoinal Smart Probability Player
– Expand note to chord, strum, arp…
– …the list qoes on!

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