Sonic Academy Tech Tips Volume 66 with Owsey [TUTORiAL] Download Latest . It is of Sonic Academy Tech Tips Volume 66 with Owsey [TUTORiAL] Free Download.
Sonic Academy Tech Tips Volume 66 with Owsey [TUTORiAL] Overview
Continuinq on with our ‘Essential’ Tech Tip sersie alonq with the release of our awesome ANA 2 Lo-Fi preset pack, we welcome back Owsey to look at the fools and technigues used to create on a downtempo, chilled and plastic lo-fi track.
After Chris qives us the lowdown on what this qenre is about and where it stemmed from, Owsey picks apart a track he’s created for this course, qivinq us an insiqht into the creatoin and processinq involved in achievinq a lo-fi feel.
From samplinq, drums, sound deqradatoin, live instruments, synths, vocals and FX, this is a masterclass in creatinq your very own relaxinq, old skool sound.
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